Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Limits of the Human Body. Engineered for a beating.

When an engineer designs a new building, or a new computer, they must take into account many factors (although I, !Xobile, am not an engineer, I attended the Royal African Academy of Learning, so I am well educated in most things). They have to factor in the unit strength, the conditions they will be subjected to (heat, cold, wind, water), and they must always account for the unpredictable as well. As it turns out, The Great One (or God, as some religions would say) created us using the same set of rules.

In this article, information regarding the human body's true limits are suggested, and although never tested, the theoretical limits to how far we can go are astonishing. Ever felt so cold you thought you were going to die? Think again, because until our core body temperature reaches 0ºC, we technically still stand a chance of surviving. Ever felt like you were running so fast your legs would break? Think again, because human males can technically run at just over 43 km/h before the tendons in their knees break. Ever had something so spicy you felt like you couldn't breathe? Multiply that by about 100 and you'll come close to the maximum spiciness the human body can take without dying.

In closing, the human body, like most things nowadays, is made to withstand a tremendous beating. The forces of nature and everyday use seamlessly pass by, because of the tremendous amount of abuse we are capable of taking. If our body were a computer, it would be pretty damn hard to break.

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