Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Double Rainbow OH MA GOD

Greetings brothers. I give you a video of epic proportions. Straight from the interweb, I, !Xobile, give you...
Double Rainbow.

In Africa, we rarely see rainbows, because we almost never have rain. Perhaps once, maybe twice a year if we're lucky, we will get a rainbow. And only during the wet season. But never... NEVER, have I seen a double rainbow. Yet, if I had seen a double rainbow, I may have called over some of my fellow tribesmen to see it, but I would not have reacted with screaming at the top of my lungs about some hidden meaning behind one of nature's mini-miracles. This man from the United States seems to be on some kind of hallucinogenic drug while recording this video of what he calls "almost a triple rainbow." Foolish. I was raised by my mother to always expect the unexpected, but a double rainbow is nothing to get so overly worked-up about.

THIS, on the other hand, is a masterful recreation of the "Double Rainbow" video. This was created by a group known as "Auto-Tune the News", and it uses many techniques to transform a crazy man yelling about a rainbow, into a beautiful melody that can only be described as "majestic." Some of these techniques include auto-tune, beat/music making, and cutting audio clips of the man screaming into rhythm.

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