Sunday, December 5, 2010

Teacher attempts "Pencil Ban"

In North Brookfield elementary school, Massachusetts, a lonely teacher began a crusade to stop the rash of recent pencil and pen killings in her classroom by banning them altogether. Okay, everything except for the "killings" part is true. Wendy Scott, a seemingly paranoid schoolteacher, sent home a letter that read:

"Students will no longer be allowed to bring writing implements to school. Pencils will be provided for students in class and any students caught with pencils or pens after Nov. 15 will face disciplinary action for having materials to build weapons."

Seems like Wendy's been having suspicions of an impending revolt by her 6th grade Math class. Any day now, they'll strike back by flinging semi-sharpened 5gram pencils at her, or maybe *gasp* viciously attacking her with a ballpoint pen.

Let's be honest here, any student that's sick enough to want to attack or kill another student or teacher in their class, will bring a knife to school. They wouldn't use a little pencil to do it. Banning pencils won't do anyone any good. How else are they supposed to learn? They're in elementary school, so half of them don't have laptops anyways. This teacher needs to smarten up and stop being so paranoid.

Any more of these stupid pencil banning letters home, and her students really will plan a revolt!

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